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The Go Kart Club of South Australia was founded in 1961.  Racing originally took place every Saturday running (under lights) at Daly Oval, Cambelltown.  Twelve months later owing to the popularity and growing numbers of competitors, and the problem with associated noise, the GKCSA merged with the Onkaparinga Go Kart CLub.  This merger allowed for further expansion of the club and the start of its long association with the Adelaide Hills community.  The land was donated to the council by Pikes' drinks for the purpose of sport.

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Originally the track was dirt, and later the corners were cemented, and it is believed that the track was laid with concrete, over which bitumen was laid.  This caused major cracking over time and the track was then dug up and re-laid again.  Trading tables and working bees were organised to raise funds for the relaying of the track.  "Cooks Corner" was extended to make the track more 'interesting'.  The track is located at the 'Pines Raceway' Oakbank.  The original fee levied by the local council was 5 pounds per race meeting; this was donated to the Woodside Hospital

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This was also to be the start of another club tradition of supporting local community groups, (CFS, Local Schools, Scout Groups).  In recent times GKCSA has been a great supporter of the Childhood Cancer Association in rememberance of rookie driver Lewis Holding who passed away from Leukaemia.  A Rookie race was held each year in Lewis' Memory.  The last Rookies race held at the Pines was the Lewis Holding Memorial held on the 10th December 2000. 


The GKCSA has been at the Oakbank track since 1962 and has subsquently outgrew its facilities and surroundings.  In the early 1990's the Environment Protection Authority issued noise restrictions on the club and advised the GKCSA when its present lease with the Adelaide Hills Council expired, all Karting activities will have to cease. Thus began the long arduous task of finding a suitable site free of restrictions.

With this criteria in mind, the members of the GKCSA finally located land at Monarto, west of Murray Bridge and less than a hours travelling time from Adelaide just of the South Eastern Freeway.  The land is approximately 10.5 Ha. The track was officially opened in October 2008 by the honourable Mr Adrian Pederick, Member for Hammond. The facility has continued to grow with the construction of the Judges tower and toilet block in 2010. 


Since this time the club has been awarded many large events including several Australian Kart Championship rounds, State championships, and the second ever Ultimate club day racer event in late 2022. Along with this the club has also received two KA event of the year awards in 2015 and 2021 for hosting nationals successfully. 

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